The idea to ‘grow as you go’ is much affordable than buying a whole new home. A mobile home refers to a factory-built house constructed and engineered to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s building code’s strict ideas. People opt to live in small... Read More →
BCI sells mobile home parts for a variety of projects. We sell to individuals as well as contractors. We can help you with projects such as re-roofing, re-flooring, updating faucets, repairing seals around windows and sinks, and much more. Our mobile home parts are high quality and durable. We have... Read More →
Home should feel warm and welcoming. It is where you work, play, eat, sleep, and come together as a family. Your home is where you make memories that last forever. You want your mobile home to last just as long. Many people believe that only professionals can repair and update a mobile home.... Read More →
You don’t need a lot of expensive mobile home parts or specialized knowledge to install or repair vinyl tile in an RV. It is a very simple mobile home repair. Anyone with a few simple tools and mobile home parts can install a beautiful vinyl tile floor in no time at all. Here is an easy guide to... Read More →
Every mobile homeowner needs to know the proper steps to take when it comes to winterizing their home. There are steps to preserve heat during the long, winter months, conserve energy, and stay comfortable when the cold has set in outside. Mobile homes don’t have the same degree of insulation... Read More →